Presentation at the 3rd Doctoral Colloquium of the Cyprus Rectors’ Conference in Nicosia, Cyprus (University of Cyprus)
Title: Agent-based modelling and simulation of human mobility in the context of infectious disease spread

Provision of a specialized questionnaire for capturing the spatiotemporal mobility behavior of the Cypriot residents
Survey: https://forms.gle/YpoZGWBavfjPfEdt8

Nomination for best poster award at the 13th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications (SIMULTECH) in Rome, Italy
Paper: Designing an Agent-Based Model for a City-Level Simulation of COVID-19 Spread in Cyprus

Article at the Cyprus Scientific and Technical Chamber (ΕΤΕΚ) monthly magazine (#273)
Title: Επιδημιολογική Επιτήρηση με τη χρήση της Γεωπληροφορικής

Short Article on MEDIUM
Title: Το Μοντέλο Πρακτόρων (ABM) για τη προσομοίωση και τη διαχείριση επιδημιολογικών κρίσεων

Presentation at the EUROGEO 2022 conference in Lesvos, Greece (University of the Aegean)
Title: The geography of Covid-19 spread in Cyprus at district level: a spatiotemporal analysis of the outbreak and the vaccination strategy followed

Scholarship grant from the Sylvia Ioannou charitable foundation

Short paper publication at the AGILE: GIScience Series (open-access)
Paper: Promoting the adoption of agent-based modelling for synergistic interventions and decision-making during pandemic outbreaks

Presentation at the 24rd AGILE Conference
Theme: “Geospatial Technologies: on the verge of change

Presentation at the 11th Panhellenic Conference of Hellenic Society of Geographic Information Systems
Title: Ο ρόλος της γεωχωρικής μοντελοποίησης και προσομοίωσης στη συνεργατική λήψη αποφάσεων σε πανδημίες